Thursday, June 28, 2007

Hitchiking with Random Music

Lets see, I was going to go with a sort of mellow piece this week, but I decided I'd leave that until tuesday. You know, when my hangover will make me really want to listen to softer music. For today... hmmm... I'm not sure... I'll save a band spotlight for Sunday...

That leaves randomly deciding on something completely stupid to shape this particular entry... how about... a few tracks that are (according to joint 42nd in my top listened songs? 42 is pretty geeky number, so sure, that works :P.

Lets start with something that people will at least recognise the sound of if not out right know it. Because giving you music you've already heard is what mp3 blogs are for, right?

# Hanging By A Moment - Lifehouse

Next is a song by band you probably haven't listened to in a while, unless you're Jon or one of my other friends. Then you are at the very least, subjected to it. Off of the album Have A Nice Day.

# Unbreakable - Bon Jovi

And, finalmente. A song by a band I've only got to see live once. Would have gone to see them at Download but they clashed with Reel Big Fish, and as awesome as they are I stand by my choice. This is a song off of their second album, originally labelled "II".

# Burn The Evidence - Billy Talent

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Revival and Download Special!

So, in honour of the fact that I'm no way near as hungover as I thought I would be, the fact that I went to Download Festival a while back and... Oh, I don't know, awesome music. I'm going to update this little blog thing a little bit.

So, as I just typed a little while ago, me and my friends went to download. So this fine tuesday afternoon, I'll be putting up some mp3s to go with the festival's highlights as I saw them! Because I can, I'm even going to seperate them into days!

Friday, caught a little bit of Paramore, who Jon had previously recommended. While he didn't seem to be impressed with how over the top their performance was I was impressed by the music itself. They have a new album coming out, so here's a song off Riot!

# That's What You Get - Paramore

Saturday, much to the chagrin of some of our friends Jon, Lisa, Josh and I went to see Head Automatica rather than Linkin Park. In our defense Head Automatica are absolutely fantastic and Linkin Park's new album isn't. That said, we still caught a nice chunk of LP anyway. So, Automatica were amazing, high energy performance with good crowd reaction. I have to put Please Please Please here, just by virtue of the hilarious band crowd interaction that came before it.
"This is a song about L.A."
"Wait, you actually Booed Los Angeles? We're not from there. Anyway this song is called Please Please Please."

# Please Please Please - Head Automatica

And, just because it was so perfect when everyone was singing along, and because it gave a perfect festival atmosphere despite most of donwload being at Linkin Park...

# The Razor - Head Automatica

Sunday, final day. Reel Big Fish not only played an awesome tent headlining act, unhampered by the hoardes of people watching Iron Maiden. They also did a little unplanned 6 song set while Evanescence were playing which was so awesome. The set was fantastic from beginning to end. We were even taught the rock-sign-language for lesbian sex.

# She Has A Girlfriend Now - Reel Big Fish

For some more Download Highlights, check out the music Jon picked up at the festival here.